Display name:
William McGarnigle
Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Well, it's a complicated story - and no, I'm not Mick Taylor, I just happen to share a birthday with my fave guitarist. I'm a musician, and I suffer from BPD so I went through some really rough patches throughout my 34 years of existence. What matters is: I like computers, I like coding, and I've spent three months at a tech school learning stuff I knew already. Of course, there was plenty I didn't and I still don't, but I'm a fast learner and although I'm a rookie here, I know a thing or two. Since I'd have to search through endless boxes of junk to find my books, I've decided at least for now to be a "Bug Informer". I'll take care to "graduate" and do my homework in here so I can help you guys more thoroughly. I can do Flash/Air stuff but then again, who doesn't? CSS, well, I have be honest here so nope, haven't got around to that. C++ a bit, Javascript a teeny weeny bit, and like I've said, I'll have to unearth my books to go the Linux way (which is a shame, for I was an avid Ubuntu user back then). HTTP, basics, I'm okay, and well, I don't really know things in depth enough to list here as real actual skills, just let's say that I'm the curious and investigative type. I've been a Firefox user for life, and I don't think I'll ever trade it for anything else, so I've decided to get more involved since well, I like you guys, You DO need some improvement though but don't worry, I'm sure people will get around and see through the smoke and mirrors of certain things I shan't mention - I have my ethics in check. Will do my best. And yeah, I'm a rock'n'roll guy. Beatles, AC/DC, Stones, Frank Zappa and Beach Boys are pretty much it, for me. I've grown listening to Beatles, and I'm self taught in English because I wanted to know what were the Beatles singing about. I was five. My father had graduated from an English school so I used his books and tapes. He's lousy at it, by the way. And I'm lousy at my own language, ha ha... Avid Lucky Strikes smoker (won't trade em for nothing) but I have a strong dislike for drugs and alcohol. I've been around, if you know what I mean. Used to play alto and baritone saxophones, clarinet, and bass, and slide guitar but due to an accident, I'm just left with my voice, My singing coaches are Bon Scott and Brian Johnson, enough said. I'm starting my life again now, and things are looking up. I'm here, after all, aren't I? Well that's it. Any further questions, you know where to find me.
2014-10-08 13:49:55+00:00
2014-10-14 04:31:07+00:00