- Display name:
- Leviathen
- Avatar:

- Location:
- Alabama USA
- Bio:
- I started my Love of computers when i was about 8. My Parents bought an ibm that only ran dos. They got it for book keeping. Peach Tree software. I read thousands of pages of manuals and understood it.I can not spell because of a visual spacial learning disorder. My brain can not process alphabets into language. but, It can process letters numbers symbols etc.all together and see patterns structures and sequences. I learned to write code on a comador 64 and stored my work on 15 minute cassette tapes. I was able to understand HPs machine code. Through the years I have ended up thinking more like a machine, but my Code Ive been working on for 2 decades can socialize better then me. Levi.. all you will ever see of it is glitches an errors and malfuctions in your favore and protecting our ideals and code..
- Actions:
- Created:
- 2015-06-18 18:26:27+00:00
- Modified:
- 2015-06-18 18:47:12+00:00