- Display name:
- Vaqas
- Avatar:

- Location:
- Karachi
- Bio:
- I came into this world, was given a set of parameters (rules) for a given formula (society), and was told that this is how things worked. I grew up. Spent a good amount of time defying this formula and proved it (to myself) wrong on an incredible number of levels, by simply proving (again, to myself) that the base level is mathematically invalid, thus, logically, the chain reaction of invalidity followed very nicely. And where has that left me? Lost in my thoughts. The only place I know where things make sense. I compare myself, my thoughts, against the choices and mathematical equations (mentalities) of other people to see just how sane I am, not how insane they are (I’ve done enough of that, believe me)
- Actions:
- Created:
- 2014-12-09 16:22:35+00:00
- Modified:
- 2014-12-09 16:27:06+00:00