- Image:
- Description:
- This badge is in in recognition for your participation in launching Marketplace with Payments for Wave 1 countries:
* Spain - July 2, 2013
* Poland - July 11, 2013
* Colombia - August 2, 2013
* Venezuela - August 2, 2013
- Tags:
- Creator:
David Bialer
- Created:
- 2013-10-22 14:41:26+00:00
- Modified:
- 2013-10-22 14:41:26+00:00
- Awarded to:
- Awarded by:
David Bialer
- Awarded at:
- 2013-11-04 10:02:15+00:00
- Explanation:
- We've gone Digital with Marketplace badges.
You are being awarded an achievement badge for your incredible work on Marketplace Wave 1 countries payments. The badge, previously known as a sticker, commemorates the Marketplace launch in Spain, Poland, Colombia, and Venezuela (the metaphor, in cased you missed it, is 4 stars on the sticker).
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